Advent Week 4
Week of Love
In this final week of Advent, let us live in Christ’s love, cherish the gift of our Savior’s birth, and lovingly share our faith with others.
Day 22:
Sing Christmas carols together
December 22, 2024
Singing is a form of expression. It evokes many feelings, especially during Christmastime. Today, turn on your favorite playlist and immerse yourself in holiday cheer.
Singing is a form of expression. It evokes many feelings, especially during Christmastime. Today, turn on your favorite playlist and immerse yourself in holiday cheer.
Day 23:
Write of all that you're thankful for
December 23, 2024
We get so caught up in life. We yearn for what we don’t have and forget to see all the things we do have. Take today to be grateful for all that God has given to you and realize how blessed you are.
Take a few minutes today to sit by yourself and think of all the wonderful things in your life. Write all of that you are thankful for. Reread the list to yourself and know you are truly blessed.
Day 24:
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2024
Part of a traditional Christmas Eve normally involves gathering together and creating lasting memories with people you cherish. This year may look and feel different, but we can still fill this day with laughter, love, and light. The below can be a new tradition to add to your festivities for years to come.
Whether or not you are gathered with a few loved ones today, let people in your life know how and why they bring joy to your life. Show them that they are loved by you and more importantly, by God who has given them the greatest gift for free.
Day 25:
Christmas Day
December 25, 2024
Celebrate! Christ is born!
Celebrate! Christ is born! We’d encourage you to read Luke 1:26-38 and Luke 2:1-14, then spend time offline, in awe and splendor of the beautiful gift of eternal life God has given us.